Monday, September 15, 2008


We are ready for paint tommorow, and I haven't picked out all the colors yet, but will before I got to the store tommorow to get it. I am kind of going back and forth about a few colors.

The oil guy came and we got 75 gallons of oil for the flip today. They also came and started the furnace. It works great. they are going to come back in the next week or so to give it a good cleaning and replace nozzles and things.....

We are getting all of the rest of our supplies delivered on friday. We should be ready by then to install the kitchen.

Got the tile from HD on sat night. Blaze is going to install the tile while i paint tommorow. Its starting to go fast now.We should be def. done by Oct1st. Not worried about that anymore.

The oil man came walked through the house and asked us how much we were going to sell it for he thought we should sell it for more, so did blazes mom when she came over this past weekend.

We had a visit from Heidi and Belle this weekend. Although we were working on the house and didn't get to see them much, we plan to visit once we get this house done. We have a lot on our plate right now. More about that in an upcoming post.

I better get back to the flip,I just came out to let the dogs out and sat down at the computer...

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I agree with oil man. You can definitely get more for that house. I know you want to sell it fast, but look at making a little more money on it. With all that work you put into it, I think you can definitely get more than you've planned.