Monday, September 22, 2008

Work Week

It has been a long week to say the least. We got lots done. The kitchen is installed, drywall done, house painted, upstairs bathroom is done and all the interior doors are hung. Basement is painted.

We have a list of things left to do but i think that we are still going to make the oct 1st deadline of getting the house complete.

I wanted to take pictures of the house yesterday but forgot my camera.

We are very busy, I sold a house yesterday and have to get all the paperwork done they want to close in 5 days, it really makes my job harder to do that and also next sun i have a sales meeting for a few days in state college. crazy i hope my life slows down a little in the next month or so. I was thinking yesterday how i love sundays in the fall/winter when i can just sit on the couch and listen to football on the tv reading a book and take a nap.I can't wait until we can get back to that.Soon i hope.

Well i am off today back to work i have to get catalogs to a school that is 2 hr away and then be back by 3 to take tonkia to the vet for 4.

Pictures to come at some point this week....

Monday, September 15, 2008


We are ready for paint tommorow, and I haven't picked out all the colors yet, but will before I got to the store tommorow to get it. I am kind of going back and forth about a few colors.

The oil guy came and we got 75 gallons of oil for the flip today. They also came and started the furnace. It works great. they are going to come back in the next week or so to give it a good cleaning and replace nozzles and things.....

We are getting all of the rest of our supplies delivered on friday. We should be ready by then to install the kitchen.

Got the tile from HD on sat night. Blaze is going to install the tile while i paint tommorow. Its starting to go fast now.We should be def. done by Oct1st. Not worried about that anymore.

The oil man came walked through the house and asked us how much we were going to sell it for he thought we should sell it for more, so did blazes mom when she came over this past weekend.

We had a visit from Heidi and Belle this weekend. Although we were working on the house and didn't get to see them much, we plan to visit once we get this house done. We have a lot on our plate right now. More about that in an upcoming post.

I better get back to the flip,I just came out to let the dogs out and sat down at the computer...

Thursday, September 11, 2008


We finished hanging the drywall last night.. Its all ready for tape and spackle tonight.

List of things we want to get done next week.

1. drywall
2. paint
3. doors
4. tile
5. bathrooms
6. Kitchen
7. install backroom floor
8.trim throughout house.

I am hoping that we can get this all done. I guess we will see, we said we are going to work late everynight and get it done to be on the market by oct1 no MATTER WHAT.

Last night we were leaving the house and its so nice to see it all coming together, its actually starting to look nice. Its starting to look like we are getting somewhere.

Congrads to Sarah for passing her test yesterday....

I had to drop off the dogs this morning to get their teeth cleaned, not fun. They will be done by 5 tonight. Big process....

I will post pictures this week. The two bathrooms look great with just the drywall....

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

New Look

I thought that I should give the blog a new look. The black was starting to hurt my eyes. The new look is cleaner and happier....I like it...


We are almost drywalled out. I don't want to see another piece of drywall for a while. We have a little bit left going down to the basement and its all hung. Blaze did a great job with it and now its on to the messy part on thursday night. We have all of next week off to work on the house. We hope to get all the drywall done and painted, and the tile finished in the kitchen and two bathrooms. ALso get both bathrooms totally finished with hooking up vanity's and toliets. Also get the doors hung. Its alot to get done but hopefully we can do it. We will be working our butts off to get it done. I like this part of the flip things go faster and you actually see progress, in our case we get more done.

I still have to pick out paint colors and I have a Home Depot list that has to get bought.

The gutter guy for the house in plmt still didn't call about a install day. I hate contractors to say the least...

have to get to the real estate office.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Work on the house week

We are going to work on the house the week of the 15th. We both took a week off from work. We should be able to get lots done. Sucks that we had to use vacation but the list left is long and we just need to get it all done.

Also called KW oil, they are coming to clean and service the furance next week along with checking all of the radiators.


I start my morning with lists, well becasue if I don't I know that I will forget to do things throughout the day. When Blaze and I do projects we make lists. So here is the list of things left to do on the house.

1. Drywall
2. Paint
3. Tile
4. Floors
5. Kitchen
6. Trim
7. Doors
8. Basement Paint
9. Floor back room
10. front porch floor paint
11. landscape
12.. bathroom accessories
13. Hang lights
14. dumpster
15.chain saw
16. caucking
17.paint tub
18. closet systems
19. masonary paint outsidse

The drywall is going good we will be done with it by the end of the weekend. I need to start to pick out all the colors for all the rooms. I just have one so far sea salt for the living room. I have a lot to pick out for that. At least the color for the floors are done along with the pick for the doors and trim, kitchen ordered, all the bathroom stuff bought, lights bought, except for the kitchen light. Have to go to HD and get the appliances and tile after we paint the drywall.

Met with the gutter guy last night at our house in plmt. They are going to do our house in plmt sometime next week. We really need gutters.
I have to take people out house shopping on sat, so I won't be able to do much, we have 8 houses to look at and it is going to take up most of the day. I hope that they find something this weekend.
Hopefully next post I will be talking about the colors that I am going to paint each room....

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Post before last

I was just looking at the post before last, we are behind schedule if you look at that...ouch


Long weekend to say the least. Starting with the good news we worked our butts off and managed to get the whole upstairs done and most of the downstairs drywalled.

We have the downstairs bathroom to drywall, staircase, and backroom downstairs. Oh we have the little bit going down to the basement left too.

In other news I had a really bad weekend with real estate, had a client who we had an offer to purchase signed by both parties and then someone else came in at the last moment and well its a long story but they said they are sueing the other party and everyone down the east coast. I have to deal with this this morning and am not happy about it. It just really sucks.

other than that all week we are doing drywall hopefully by the end of the weekend we will be ready for tape and spackle. Sunday we are only working in the morning, first weekend of football. GO STEELERS

I made a list of the stuff we have left I will post that next time also I took pictures this weekend, maybe I will do it later when i get off the phone with the lawyer....